Thursday, September 17, 2009

fakir's empty bowl is overflowing

life blooms...
lips sings praise...
feet dance....
heart bursts in pleasure....
world is upside down....
crazy thoughts..
pink bubbles ....
walking in rain....
grass is soft carpet ....
fragrance of divine...
smile of sun...
light of moon...
singing of stars.....
rhythm of oceans...
trees shine.....
sings the multiverse ....
Allah hu Akbar....
Allah hu Akbar....

reason fails...
eyes flow....
fakir's empty bowl filled today....
all forgiven...
all forgotten...
all sorrows gone....
a new life begins.....
The King Of Kings made it happen....
shukria shukria shukria....
shree completed....
The Kaalam e Pak....
listen o world ....
see His miracle....
in my life.....
falling like rain....
Allah hu Akbar
Allah hu Akbar

shree is happy......very happy.......