Thursday, August 7, 2008

the seven coloured cauldron

it is a mad mad cauldron of seven colours,
like seven moods,seven happiness,seven sorrows,
i looked inside it and saw bubbles are forming,
bursting.....sometimes tiny and sometimes enormous........

friends and not so friends,
loved and not so loved,
dance side by side...
compartments are formed ,broken,again rebuilt.
cauldron is busy always....
all seven colours are mixed and becomes the colour the end ,
the colour of light the colour of peace the colour of love and infinity.



toxoid_toxaemia said...

wow! nice poem !

Kuan Gung said...

Great images shree...very nice!

Rabu said...

all seven colours are mixed and becomes the colour the end ,
the colour of light the colour of peace the colour of love and infinity.-------- everything is one.

beautiful dear.

blessings and love

toxoid_toxaemia said...

সবগুলো ভালবাসা মিলে বোধহয় আসলেই ভালবাসার রংকে সাদা করে দেয়। জানিনা, ভাবছি এখনো লাইনগুলো নিয়ে। আবারো পড়লাম তাই ভালোলাগা জানিয়ে গেলাম দিদি।